June 27, 2022 This prayer is based on the fruit of the Spirit, as the Apostle Paul describes in Galatians 5:22-23.

God of grace and mercy, grant that my daily life will display the fruit of the Spirit. May I love others, even those who oppose me, as You have loved me. Fill my heart with the joy of salvation and life eternal. Give me your peace to calm my anxieties and fears. Grant me patience especially when facing frustrating situations and relationships. May I have kindness to treat others fairly and respectfully at all times. Fill my heart with generosity so that I will be generous in sharing my resources and talents with others. Grant me faithfulness in following the path of Jesus and His call on my life. May I have gentleness so that I can be your instrument of compassion and love especially with those who are most vulnerable and weak. Give me self-control so that my impulses and desires are kept in check. Lord may I live by your Spirit and be guided by your Spirit to the glory of your Son, Jesus. Amen.